Climate Change Research ›› 2023, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (1): 23-37.doi: 10.12006/j.issn.1673-1719.2022.064
• Changes in Climate System • Previous Articles Next Articles
NIE Xin-Yu1(), TAN Hong-Jian1, CAI Rong-Shuo1(), GAO Xue-Jie2
NIE Xin-Yu,CAI Rong-Shuo
NIE Xin-Yu, TAN Hong-Jian, CAI Rong-Shuo, GAO Xue-Jie. Projection of the tropical cyclones landing in China in the future based on regional climate model[J]. Climate Change Research, 2023, 19(1): 23-37.
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URL: http://www.climatechange.cn/EN/10.12006/j.issn.1673-1719.2022.064
Fig. 2 Observation (a), simulation (b), bias between simulation and observation (c) of 2 m air temperature (shaded) and wind field at 925 hPa (arrows) in summer during 1986-2005
Fig. 3 Observation (a), simulation (b), bias between simulation and observation (c) of 200-850 hPa vertical wind shear in summer during 1986-2005. (The black thick dotted line and black thick solid line are the contour lines of 12 m/s vertical wind shear observed and simulated, respectively)
Fig. 4 Observed (a) and simulated (b) landfall TC tracks with different intensity during 1986-2005, and observed track density (c), simulated track density (d), bias between simulated track density and observed track density (e) at 2°×2°grid point. (TS, STS, TY, STY, SSTY in the picture mean tropical storm, strong tropical storm, typhoon, strong typhoon, super typhoon, respectively)
Fig. 6 Difference distribution of track density of TCs landing in China at 2°×2° grid point in the future relative to the simulated value from 1986 to 2005 under three RCPs. (The black dots indicate the bias passing the significance test at the 90% confidence level)
Fig. 7 Annual average number of TCs with different intensity landing in China in the future under historical and three RCPs. (The vertical lines in the figure indicate one standard deviation of the study period and indicate the uncertainty range of TC number)
Fig. 9 Linear trends of sea surface temperature (a), 200-850 hPa vertical wind shear (b) in summer during 1986-2098 under the RCP8.5 scenario. (The thick black lines are the contours of 12 m/s vertical wind shear and the black dots indicate passing the significance test at the 99% confidence level)
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