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SHI Pei-Jun,YANG Wen-Tao.
Compound effects of earthquakes and extreme weathers on geo-hazards in mountains
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XU Li,LI Qian,WANG Ying,HUANG Jing-Ling,XU Ying-Jun.
Analysis of the changes in debris flow hazard in the context of climate change
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WANG Tian-Peng,TENG Fei.
Review of economic impacts from climate change under the framework of computable general equilibrium models
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An ensemble projection of GDP and population exposure to high temperature events over Jing-Jin-Ji district based on high resolution combined dynamical and statistical downscaling datasets
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Progress and enlightenment of foreign climate change legislations
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He-Lou HUANG,Xu-Kai ZOU,Ye-Yi DING,Xian-Yan CHEN,Ying SHI,Feng-Jin XIAO.
The impact of climate change on human comfort in the Siming Mountains in Ningbo, China
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Xiao-Quan ZHANG, Xi XIE, Nan ZENG.
Nature-based Solutions to address climate change
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Xing FAN,Ji-Jie WANG,Tian WANG,Xiang GAO.
Stocktaking on the Madrid Climate Change Conference and perspectives on global climate governance
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WANG Peng-Ling,HUANG Lei,CHAO Qing-Chen,YUAN Jia-Shuang,CHEN Chao.
The main content and insights of IPCC special report on the ocean and cryosphere in a changing climate (SROCC)
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Shi-Chang KANG,Wan-Qin GUO,Xin-Yue ZHONG,Min XU.
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Impacts and risks of changing ocean on marine ecosystems and dependent communities and related responses
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