气候变化研究进展 ›› 2021, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (6): 730-743.doi: 10.12006/j.issn.1673-1719.2021.005
胡一阳,男,硕士研究生, 基金资助:
HU Yi-Yang1,2(), XU Ying2(
), LI Jin-Jian1, HAN Zhen-Yu2
XU Ying
胡一阳, 徐影, 李金建, 韩振宇. CMIP6不同分辨率全球气候模式对中国降水模拟能力评估[J]. 气候变化研究进展, 2021, 17(6): 730-743.
HU Yi-Yang, XU Ying, LI Jin-Jian, HAN Zhen-Yu. Evaluation on the performance of CMIP6 global climate models with different horizontal resolution in simulating the precipitation over China[J]. Climate Change Research, 2021, 17(6): 730-743.
图1 观测与模拟的1961—2014年平均年降水量分布及二者相对偏差分布 注:打点处代表相对偏差的同号率>78%。
Fig. 1 Observation (a) and low-resolution MME (b) and high-resolution MME (c) of mean annual precipitation, and the relative deviation (d, e) between simulated results and observation in 1961-2014 (The dots indicate that 78% or more of models agree on the sign of biases)
图2 低分辨率模式(a) 与高分辨率模式(b)模拟的1961—2014年平均年总降水与观测值的相对偏差分布 注:序号对应表1的模式序号。
Fig. 2 The spatial distribution of model biases in mean annual precipitation in 1961-2014. (a) Low-resolution models, (b) high-resolution models (The number corresponds to Table 1)
图3 低分辨率与高分辨率模式模拟1961—2014年中国地区多年平均的逐月降水分布盒须图 注:紫色盒须对应低分辨率模式,黑色盒须对应高分辨率模式;箱体上下线代表75%与25%的分位数。
Fig. 3 Box-and-whisker plots for multi-year average monthly precipitation distribution in China simulated by low-resolution models (purple) and high-resolution models (black) during 1961-2014 (The upper and lower boundaries of the box represent the 75% and 25% quantiles respectively)
图4 低分辨率(a)、高分辨率(b)模式模拟1961—2014年中国地区多年平均季节、年降水相对于观测值的Taylor图 注:0代表MME,1~9对应表1的模式序号。
Fig. 4 Taylor diagram for low-resolution models (a), high-resolution models (b) simulated seasonal and annual precipitation in China during 1961-2014 compared with the observation (The different colors represent the season, and the different numbers represent the model)
图5 观测(a)以及低分辨率模式(b)与高分辨模式(c)模拟的1961—2014年中国东部夏季降水年际变化模态EOF1 注:序号0为MME,其余序号对应表1的模式序号;打点表示回归计算可通过95%信度检验,绿色框表示模拟与观测间存在正的空间相关且可通过95%信度检验。
Fig. 5 Low-resolution models (b) and high-resolution models (c) simulated EOF1 of interannual variation of summer precipitation spatial distribution in eastern China during 1961-2014 and observation (a). (b0 and c0 are MME. Dot area in panels indicates that they are all statistically significant at the 95% confidence level. The green box indicates that the spatial positive correlation with observation is statistically significant at the 95% confidence level)
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表2 年际变化EOF1和EOF2在各模式组与观测之间的空间相关系数
Table 2 The spatial correlation coefficients of the first and second dominant mode of interannual variation by each model groups and observation
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表3 年代际变化EOF1和EOF2在各模式组与观测之间的空间相关系数
Table 3 The spatial correlation coefficients of the first and second dominant mode of interdecadal variation by each mode model groups and observation
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