Climate Change Research ›› 2021, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (4): 410-419.doi: 10.12006/j.issn.1673-1719.2021.026
Special Issue: 减污降碳协同增效专栏
• Pollutants and GHGs reduction synergy to enhance efficiency • Previous Articles Next Articles
REN Jia-Xue1,2(), GAO Qing-Xian2, CHEN Hai-Tao1, MENG Dan1, ZHANG Yang3, MA Zhan-Yun2(), LIU Qian2, TANG Jia-Jie4
MA Zhan-Yun
REN Jia-Xue, GAO Qing-Xian, CHEN Hai-Tao, MENG Dan, ZHANG Yang, MA Zhan-Yun, LIU Qian, TANG Jia-Jie. Simulation research on greenhouse gas emissions from wastewater treatment plants under the vision of carbon neutrality[J]. Climate Change Research, 2021, 17(4): 410-419.
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