气候变化研究进展 ›› 2021, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (2): 162-174.doi: 10.12006/j.issn.1673-1719.2020.029
TANG Zi-Chen1,2, LI Qing-Quan1,2, WANG Li-Juan1(), WU Li-Quan3
WANG Li-Juan
汤秭晨, 李清泉, 王黎娟, 伍丽泉. CMIP6年代际试验对中国气温预测能力的初步评估[J]. 气候变化研究进展, 2021, 17(2): 162-174.
TANG Zi-Chen, LI Qing-Quan, WANG Li-Juan, WU Li-Quan. Preliminary assessment on CMIP6 decadal prediction ability of air temperature over China[J]. Climate Change Research, 2021, 17(2): 162-174.
图2 观测、CanESM5模式历史试验模拟以及MIROC6模式年代际试验提前1~5年回报的1961—2010年平均的年平均及四季平均气温
Fig. 2 1961-2010 averaged temperatures of observation (a, d, g, j, m), CanESM5’s historical simulation (b, e, h, k, n) and MIROC6’s decadal hindcasts (c, f, i, l, o) at lead years 1-5 (a-c) annual, (d-f) spring, (g-i) summer, (j-l) autumn, (m-o) winter
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表1 1961—2010年平均的CanESM5与MIROC6模式历史试验模拟和年代际试验提前1~5年回报的年及季节平均气温与观测的空间相关系数
Tab.1 Average (1961-2010) pattern correlation coefficient (PCC) of annual and seasonal mean temperatures between model results (decadal and historical experiments of CanESM5 and MIROC6 models) and observations at lead years of 1-5
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图3 CanESM5模式历史试验与年代际试验提前5~9年的年平均及四季平均回报气温与观测的ACC 注:黑点表示通过0.1的显著性水平。
Fig. 3 Anomaly correlation coefficient (ACC) of annual and seasonal mean temperature between observation and CanESM5 historical experiment (a-e) and decadal reforecast (f-j) at lead years 5-9 (Spotted area denotes passing significant test at 0.1 level) (a, f) annual, (b, g) spring, (c, h) summer, (d, i) autumn, (e, j) winter
图4 MIROC6模式历史试验与年代际回报试验提前5~9年的年平均及四季平均回报气温与观测的RMSE
Fig. 4 Root mean square error (RMSE) of annual and seasonal mean temperature between observation and MIROC6 historical experiment (a-e) and decadal reforecast (f-j) at lead years 5-9 (a, f) annual, (b, g) spring, (c, h) summer, (d, i) autumn, (e, j) winter
图5 CanESM5模式提前(a) 1~5,(b) 2~6,(c) 3~7,(d) 4~8,(e) 5~9,(f) 6~10年回报的年平均气温与观测的ACC 注:黑点表示通过0.01的显著性水平。
Fig. 5 ACC between annual mean temperature of observation and that of CanESM5 reforecast at lead years (a) 1-5, (b) 2-6, (c) 3-7,(d) 4-8, (e) 5-9, (f) 6-10 (Spotted area denotes passing significant test at 0.01 confident level)
图6 两个模式平均春(a)、夏(b)、秋(c)、冬(d)季提前1~5年回报气温的RMSE
Fig. 6 RMSE of seasonal mean temperature of two model’s average reforecast at lead year 1-5 (a) spring, (b) summer, (c) autumn, (d) winter
图7 两个模式平均的年平均及季节平均不同区域平均气温回报与观测的ACC 注:点划线表示ACC通过0.1的显著性检验。
Fig. 7 ACC between observation temperature and average temperature of two models’ reforecasts in various regions of China (Black chain lines represent thresholds at 0.1 significance level) (a) annual, (b) spring, (c) summer, (d) autumn, (e) winter
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