Climate Change Research ›› 2022, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (3): 305-318.doi: 10.12006/j.issn.1673-1719.2021.165
• Changes in Climate System • Previous Articles Next Articles
HAN Zhen-Yu(), XU Ying, WU Jia, SHI Ying
HAN Zhen-Yu, XU Ying, WU Jia, SHI Ying. Evaluation on the simulated runoff in China and future change projection based on multiple regional climate models[J]. Climate Change Research, 2022, 18(3): 305-318.
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URL: https://www.climatechange.cn/EN/10.12006/j.issn.1673-1719.2021.165
Fig. 1 Annual runoff averaged over 1986-1995 in different observational data (a-e) and ensemble mean (f) of simulation results, and the SCOR (g), RMSE (h), and Taylor score (i) among different data
Fig. 2 Climatic mean of monthly contributions to annual runoff over 9 basins and the TCOR and S scores among different datasets.(Red markers indicate maximum monthly runoff, blue shadings indicate the uncertainty ranges)
Fig. 4 Linear trends (a) in annual runoff in 2021-2098, and the changes in the end of the 21st century (b). (Hatched areas in (a) indicate that the linear trends are significant, and those in (b) indicate that 80% or more of ensemble members agree on the sign of change)
Fig. 6 Simulated climatic mean of monthly contributions on runoff averaged over each basin during historical reference period (1986-2005) and the end of 21st century (2079-2098)
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