气候变化研究进展 ›› 2016, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (5): 407-412.doi: 10.12006/j.issn.1673-1719.2016.049

• 气候系统变化 • 上一篇    下一篇


张德二, 梁有叶   

  1. 中国气象局国家气候中心,北京 100081
  • 收稿日期:2016-03-09 修回日期:2016-03-17 出版日期:2016-09-30 发布日期:2016-09-30
  • 通讯作者: 张德二 E-mail:derzhang@cma.gov.cn

Study of the Heavy Torrential Rain over the Huang-Huai Region in Eastern China in 1730 —An Extreme Climatic Events in History

Zhang De’er, Liang Youye   

  1. National Climate Center, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing 100081, China
  • Received:2016-03-09 Revised:2016-03-17 Online:2016-09-30 Published:2016-09-30
  • Contact: Zhang Deer 德二 E-mail:derzhang@cma.gov.cn


1730年(清雍正八年)7—8月,我国黄淮地区连续暴雨17 d,引起黄河、大运河和淮河暴涨、决堤的大范围洪涝灾害。这是小冰期中相对温暖时段气候背景下的极端气候事件。本文依据历史文献记载复原了1730年夏季暴雨时段的天气实况,绘制了暴雨区域图显示强降雨中心移动动态和水灾地域分布图,概述当年气候特点,指出暴雨事件与台风活动的关联。1730年是太阳活动周极小年的前3年、有重大火山活动,是极强的厄尔尼诺事件后的第2年。这些天气特点和背景条件与现代罕见的1975年河南“75?8暴雨”相似。

关键词: 极端气候事件, 暴雨洪涝, 气候灾害, 历史气候, 1730年


A rarely seen heavy torrential rain lasting 17 d leading to disastrous floods happened in the Huang-Huai region of eastern China in 1730 summer. The serious meteorological disasters and extreme climatic events happened under a climatic background of a warm phase of the Little Ice Age. In this paper, the synoptic process of rainstorm, flooding situation and the weather characters of 1730 are reproduced by means of historical literature records, and the state charts of areas of heavy rain, overflow, and daily moving of heavy rainy area in this summer are made. The synoptic and climatic aspects of 1730 were extremely similar to those of the “75?8 heavy rain” in Henan province in 1975, both typical severest torrential rainy events associated with typhoon activity and coincidently toke place in the minimum-value phase of the solar activity period, associated with moderate-large volcanic activity and 2 years after ending the strong El Nino event.

Key words: extreme climatic event, heavy rain and floods, climatic disaster, historical climate, AD 1730

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