Climate Change Research ›› 2018, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (3): 281-286.doi: 10.12006/j.issn.1673-1719.2017.180
• Greenhouse Gas Emissions • Previous Articles Next Articles
Construction of carbon emission management standards system is an important step of standardization. On the basis of current progress on carbon emission management standards in China, a 3D-frame of carbon emission management standards was built up with three sorting techniques as dimensions, namely, property, application object and life cycle. For a full carbon emission management standards framework, many standards are missing at present. According to the framework, 44 items of standards were identified to be established next stage related to prophase work on climate change. To complete the framework, three principles should be followed, which are choosing standards based on the characters of carbon emission, subdivision consideration of relationships with international standards, and carrying out standardization in steps. Relevant suggestions were also proposed on construction of carbon emission management standards system.
Key words: Carbon emission management, Standard, Low-carbon
Lei YANG,Xiu YANG. Establishing of a scientific and effective carbon emission management standards system[J]. Climate Change Research, 2018, 14(3): 281-286.
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Fig. 1 Property classification of carbon emission management standards
Fig. 2 Framework of China carbon emission management standards
Table 1 Standard items need to be established next stage
Fig. 3 Route map of China carbon emission management standardization