Climate Change Research ›› 2018, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (2): 111-119.doi: 10.12006/j.issn.1673-1719.2017.069

• Changes in Climate System •     Next Articles

The influence of tropical ocean on the South Asia High and the Western Pacifica Subtropical High

Wan FENG1(), Guang-Zhou FAN2, Yan-Yan LONG1   

  1. 1 Civil Aviation Flight University of China, Guanghan 618307, China
    2 Chengdu University of Information and Technology, Chengdu 610225, China;
  • Received:2017-04-10 Revised:2017-07-14 Online:2018-03-30 Published:2018-03-30


The influence on both South Asia High (SAH) and the Western Pacifica Subtropical High (WPSH) during summertime is investigated in this paper with a development of a tropical sea surface temperature (SST), based on the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data from 1951 to 2010. Some reasons for both development of those two systems have been researched: When the systems are both strong and the SST is warm (the systems are week and the SST is cold), in the winter and spring season the equatorial Indian?Pacific SST anomaly shows a significant positive?negative?positive (negative?positive?negative) pattern, which is like the El Ni?o (La Ni?a) phenomenon. A high-level westerly (easterly) wind flows near Indochina troposphere, which is helpful (against) for anomalous anticyclonic circulation in the south, so as to promote (block) the development of SAH. The sinking (rising) flow in Philippine area is conducive (unfavorable) to the anomalous anticyclonic circulation in the northwest side, so as to promote (block) the development of lower WPSH. In summertime, warming of the tropical Indian Ocean SST increase (decrease) the local convection effect effectively, making the tropospheric temperature rising (reducing), which affects SAH and WPSH.

Key words: South Asia High, Western Pacific Subtropical High (WPSH), Atmospheric circulation, SST

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