Climate Change Research ›› 2017, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (1): 69-75.doi: 10.12006/j.issn.1673-1719.2016.080

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Ratio for Greenhouse Gas Emission per Capita per Year and Its Application to UNFCCC Parties

Su Mingshan   

  1. Department of Statistics and Assessment, National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation, Beijing 100038, China
  • Received:2016-05-05 Revised:2016-07-23 Online:2017-01-30 Published:2017-01-30
  • Contact: Ming-Shan Su
  • Supported by:

    973 program


It is a key issue to calculate how much emission quota has been used for UNFCCC parties, taking into account their historical greenhouse gas emssions. From the perspective of inter-person equity, this paper defines ratio for greenhouse gas emission per capita per year, presents the results of calculation for 142 parties based on data at UN Demographic Yearbook, national inventory report, biennial report, biennial updated report and national communication, and estimation by International Energy Agency and Carbon Budget Project and other researchers and international orgizations. It is found that ratio for greenhouse gas emission per capita per year for the U.S. is higher than 3.33, that for China is 0.50-0.70, that for India is less than 0.30. According to ratio for greenhouse gas emission per capita per year, the 142 parties are categorized into 9 groups. It is found that ratio for greenhouse gas emission per capita per year can be applied to measure the emission allowance a party has been used, while it can also help to improve the transparency of emission information.

Key words: greenhouse gas emission, emission per captia per year, ratio for greenhouse gas emission per capita per year

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