Climate Change Research ›› 2021, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (3): 268-278.doi: 10.12006/j.issn.1673-1719.2020.206

Special Issue: 减污降碳协同增效专栏

• Pollutants and GHGs reduction synergy to enhance efficiency • Previous Articles     Next Articles

The synergy effect assessment method and its application for air pollutants and greenhouse gases reduction

GAO Qing-Xian1(), GAO Wen-Ou2, MA Zhan-Yun1(), TANG Jia-Jie3, FU Jia-Feng1, LI Ying-Xin1, REN Jia-Xue4   

  1. 1 Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, China
    2 Beijing Zhongchuang Carbon Investment Education Company, Beijing 100007, China
    3 Lanzhou Central Meteorological Observatory, Lanzhou 730020, China
    4 Department of Resource Environment and Tourism, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048, China
  • Received:2020-09-08 Revised:2020-10-30 Online:2021-05-30 Published:2021-06-01
  • Contact: MA Zhan-Yun;


This study built an evaluation index to quantify the synergistic effect of air pollution control and greenhouse gas emission reduction based on the two-digit four-quadrant map, and established a method to quantify the synergistic effect, sorting out and giving the calculation methods for the emission of major pollutants such as fuel combustion, cement production, and coal-fired power plants, and determining the emission factors and carbon dioxide emission factors of different fuel types and processes. For the evaluation of the “Air Pollution Prevention Action Plan”, the energy structure adjustment and industrial structure adjustment measures were evaluated for the quantified implementation effect of synergy. The results are as follows. The CO2 emission reduction synergistic effect of all implemented measures to reduce pollutants has a positive synergistic effect, which belongs to pollution emission reduction measures that should be actively encouraged and recommended. The measure to achieve the maximum synergy of CO2 and SO2 is to reduce the total coal consumption. In addition, the replacement of coal and oil by electricity, and the replacement of coal by natural gas can also achieve greater SO2 emission reductions, but their CO2 emission reductions are relatively small. Eliminating small-scale coal-fired boilers can achieve higher NO2 and CO2 emission reduction; eliminating outdated production capacity and dissolving excess capacity also have high synergy effects. The measure of energy consumption reduction has the highest SO2 and CO2 synergy evaluation index, followed by fuel substitution measures; the measure of eliminating coal-fired boilers has the highest NO2 and CO2 synergy evaluation index, followed by natural gas substitution of coal-fired measures; coal-fired alternative measures has the largest soot and CO2 synergy evaluation index, followed by energy consumption reduction measures. The implementation of some measures for energy structure adjustment and industrial structure adjustment in the Air Pollution Prevention Action Plan from 2013 to 2017 achieved a reduction in SO2 emissions of 22.65×106 t, a reduction in NO2 emissions of 6.56×106 t, and soot emission reduction of 4.69×106 t, while achieving CO2 emission reduction of 1.46×109 t, having a significant positive synergistic effect.

Key words: Atmospheric pollutants, Greenhouse gases, Synergistic effects, Assessment methods, Evaluation index

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