Climate Change Research ›› 2015, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (2): 131-137.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-1719.2015.02.008

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Contribution of Different GHG Emission Reduction Sectors to Annex B Parties Fulfill Mitigation Emission Reduction Targets Under the First Commitment Period of Kyoto Protocol

Liu Shuo, Li Yu’e, Gao Qingzhu, Wan Yunfan, Qin Xiaobo, Ma Xin   

  1. Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture, China Academy of Agricultural Sciences/ Key Laboratory of Agricultural Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100081, China
  • Received:2014-10-30 Revised:2014-12-23 Online:2015-03-30 Published:2015-03-30
  • Contact: Li Yue

Abstract: Greenhouse gases (GHG) data submitted in April 2014 about land use, land use Change and forestry ( LULUCF), energy, industrial processes, solvents and other product use, agriculture, and waste for 35 parties in Annex B under the first commitment period of Kyoto Protocol were collected to estimate their different relative contributions on GHG emission reduction. The results show that proprotion of GHG emission reduction in different fields to total emission reduction were in order from high to low as energy for 62.6%, industrial processes for 13.9%, agriculture for 13.4%, LULUCF for 7.4%, waste for 2.6%, and solvents and other product use for 0.1%; Average proprotion of GHG emission reduction in different sectors to total GHG emission in base year for different parties in Annex B were ordered from high to low as energy for 8.7%, agriculture for 3.0%, LULUCF for 2.5%, industrial processes for 1.3%, waste for 0.5%, and solvents and other product use for 0.1%. As a whole, energy sector dominated GHG reduction, with agriculture and LULUCF sectors having an assistant role; most of the parties could get weak GHG removal from their chosen LULUCF activities. However, the relative contribution of GHG emission reduction from LULUCF was very small, which only accout for 12% of emission reduction in energy. But it’s different for New Zealand and Iceland. Fifty percent of emissions in other five fields can be offset by GHG removal from LULUCF in these two countries.

Key words: GHG emission reduction, Kyoto Protocol, the first commitment period, contribution on GHG emission reduction

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