气候变化研究进展 ›› 2021, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (4): 400-409.doi: 10.12006/j.issn.1673-1719.2021.014
所属专题: 减污降碳协同增效专栏
何峰1,2, 刘峥延3, 邢有凯1,4, 高玉冰1,5, 毛显强1()
HE Feng1,2, LIU Zheng-Yan3, XING You-Kai1,4, GAO Yu-Bing1,5, MAO Xian-Qiang1()
MAO Xian-Qiang
何峰, 刘峥延, 邢有凯, 高玉冰, 毛显强. 中国水泥行业节能减排措施的协同控制效应评估研究[J]. 气候变化研究进展, 2021, 17(4): 400-409.
HE Feng, LIU Zheng-Yan, XING You-Kai, GAO Yu-Bing, MAO Xian-Qiang. Co-control effect evaluation of the energy saving and emission reduction measures in Chinese cement industry[J]. Climate Change Research, 2021, 17(4): 400-409.
图3 中国水泥行业节能减排措施ICER单位(边际)减排成本曲线 注:图中每个矩形代表一项减排措施,矩形在横坐标上的长度代表该项措施对某种污染物的减排量或减排潜力(单位为亿IAPeq),矩形在纵坐标上的高度代表该项措施的单位污染物减排成本,矩形的面积代表该措施实现减排量(或减排潜力)时的减排成本。
Fig. 3 ICER unit (marginal) abatement cost curve for the energy saving and emission reduction measures in Chinese cement industry
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