Climate Change Research ›› 2022, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (4): 492-502.doi: 10.12006/j.issn.1673-1719.2021.237
• Greenhouse Gas Emissions • Previous Articles Next Articles
TAO Xue-Zong(), WANG Qian-Yi, LI Han-Qing
TAO Xue-Zong, WANG Qian-Yi, LI Han-Qing. Economical analysis of vessels’ shore power usage[J]. Climate Change Research, 2022, 18(4): 492-502.
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URL: http://www.climatechange.cn/EN/10.12006/j.issn.1673-1719.2021.237
Fig. 2 The impact of vessel’s residual life on the economical indicator of shore power (a) and the latest installation of shore power system on ship (b)
Fig. 3 The impact of policy factors on the economical indicator of shore power. (a) Subsidy of using cost, (b) subsidy rate of installing cost, (c) rate of environmental protection tax, and (d) emission factors of compliant fuel
Fig. 4 The impact of non-policy factors on the economical indicator of shore power. (a) Installing cost of shore power, (b) utilization rate of shore power, (c) fuel consumption rate, and (d) fuel price
Fig. 5 The impact of non-policy factors of port on the economical indicator of shore power. (a) Toll standard, (b) emission factors, (c) supply time, and (d) operation time of shore power
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