Climate Change Research ›› 2011, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (4): 259-264.
• Impacts of Climate Change • Previous Articles Next Articles
Abstract: Using the daily weather data from 214 stations over southern China rice growing area during 1961-2009, impact of global warming on the rice cultivable area in southern China was studied. The results show that the accumulated temperature in rice-growing areas across southern China obviously increased in the period of 1961-2009, it increased up to 5980.8℃?d in 2001-2009, 268.0 ℃?d higher than that in the 1960s. Correspondingly, the rice growing season has clearly prolonged up to 231.4 d, 16.5 d longer than that in the 1960s. And the growing boundary for double-cropping rice apparently shifted northwards, and one for triple-cropping rice slightly shifted northwards. From the 1960s to 1980s, the double-cropping rice grew only in the areas south of the Yangtze River. However in the recent 10 years, the cultivable area for double-cropping rice has extended even north of the Yangtze River, i.e., the northern boundaries have advanced northwards approximately 300 km, extending to northeastern Sichuan, eastern Guizhou, Chongqing, most Hubei, central Anhui, as well as southern Jiangsu.
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