Climate Change Research ›› 2011, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (4): 243-247.
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Abstract: Ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) method was adopted to study the non-stationary interannual and decadal variations of landfall tropical storm number in China. Time series of the landfall tropical storm number of 56 years (1951-2006) can be decomposed into a series of modes, mainly including the quasi 4 years (C01), 6-7 years (C02) and 14-16 years (C03) oscillation components. Among them, the quasi 4-year oscillation with the largest amplitude is related to ENSO. In brief, the EEMD method instead of traditional and conventional decomposition methods can bring us the isolated characteristics of the temporal variations of the landfall tropical storm number on various time scales, especially on the interannual and decadal timescales. In addition, the long-range trend is not obvious, indicating that there was no increasing or declining trend in the series of landfall tropical storm number in the past 56 years. Moreover, the correlation analysis also suggests that the interdecadal variations of landfall tropical storm number in China were closely related to the interaction between tropical and extratropical circulation systems in the Southern Hemisphere.
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