Climate Change Research ›› 2024, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (3): 265-277.doi: 10.12006/j.issn.1673-1719.2023.286
• Changes in Climate System • Previous Articles Next Articles
CHEN Ting-Ting1,2, YU Wen-Jun1,2(), LI Yan-Zhong1,2, BAI Peng3, XING Yin-Cong1,2, HUANG Man-Jie1,2, SHAO Wei1,2
CHEN Ting-Ting, YU Wen-Jun, LI Yan-Zhong, BAI Peng, XING Yin-Cong, HUANG Man-Jie, SHAO Wei. The spatiotemporal changes and risk analysis of apparent temperature in China from 1960 to 2019[J]. Climate Change Research, 2024, 20(3): 265-277.
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URL: http://www.climatechange.cn/EN/10.12006/j.issn.1673-1719.2023.286
Fig. 5 The spatial distribution of AP and AT trends in different temporal scales from 1960 to 2019. (“×” represent where observed trends are significant (P<0.05))
Fig. 8 The proportion of annual high temperature risk area (a) and temporal variation of days (b) in typical climate regions of China from 1960 to 2019
Fig. 9 Spatial distribution of the trend of high temperature risk days in China from 1960 to 2019. (The white area indicates that there is no high temperature risk area)
Fig. 11 The change characteristics of AP before and after detrending. (AP represents the apparent temperature value before detrending. APdeT, APdeRH, and APdeU represent the apparent temperature values calculated by detrending air temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed, respectively)
Fig. 12 The spatial distribution of the relative contribution rates of the average air temperature (a-c), relative humidity (d-f), and wind speed (g-i) to AP in different timescales, respectively
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