气候变化研究进展 ›› 2013, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (1): 9-14.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-1719.2013.01.002

• 气候系统变化 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1. 兰州大学
    2. 北京师范大学
  • 收稿日期:2012-06-15 修回日期:2012-08-24 出版日期:2013-01-31 发布日期:2013-01-31
  • 基金资助:


An Overview of Arid and Semi-Arid Climate Change

  • Received:2012-06-15 Revised:2012-08-24 Online:2013-01-31 Published:2013-01-31

摘要: 从干旱半干旱区气候的时空变化特征、陆气相互作用的观测试验以及气候变化的动力学机制等几个方面系统总结了近年来国内外干旱半干旱区气候变化的最新研究进展,指出目前干旱半干旱区气候变化研究以特定区域研究为主,缺乏对全球不同区域干旱半干旱区气候变化时空关联的系统性归纳研究,且野外观测试验持续时间较短,这在很大程度上限制了对干旱半干旱区气候变化机理的认识和陆面过程模式的发展。针对这些问题,从资料获取、资料分析及数值模拟3个方面提出未来干旱半干旱区气候变化研究的主要方向。

关键词: 干旱, 半干旱, 气候变化

Abstract: The spatial and temporal characteristics and dynamic mechanism of arid and semi-arid climate change have been reviewed in this paper. Recently, most of the research on the arid and semi-arid regions’ climate change mainly focused on the specific regions. However, there are less systematic studies for the relationship of climate change on the different global arid and semi-arid regions. The understanding of the mechanism of land surface process model development is another shortage on the climate change studies because the experiments are limited to work on it. Finally, the questions in arid and semi-arid climate change studies and future research direction are proposed.

Key words: arid climate, semi-arid climate, climate change

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